Friday, May 24, 2013

Divine Laws of Power – by Neeta Singhal

Neeta Singhal
Neeta Singhal

What is Power?
POWER is simply the energy and ability to make things happen. So your personal power is your ability to create what YOU WANT!
With power, you influence both, people and your environment. It's the ability of being in control instead of simply reacting to actions as they happen. It's the ability to make a change instead of being a passive onlooker. Power is an attribute that can help you get what you want that makes certain people respect you and some others fear you.

Power of Knowledge
It is obvious that knowledge can be a very strong basis of power, influence and authority. This fact is true for all life fields starting with the knowledge of how to punch someone to knock him down going through becoming a specialist in your field so that your company would not afford to lay you off and all the way to knowing how to impress people and thus becoming more popular.
Now that it's clear how empowering knowledge can be. You should start acquiring knowledge that is relevant to the kind of power you wish to acquire. If you are aiming at social power then you may begin by educating yourself more about social expertise. If you want to be powerful inside your company then learn about the things that other employees know nothing about and so on.

Power of Charisma
Everyone agrees that charisma is a gift yet there are various ways that can help you become more charismatic. Building your self-confidence, culturing assertiveness in your personality, fine-tuning your body language, modulating your tone of voice, upgrading the way you dress up and refining your first impression are all aspects helping you look more charismatic than you actually are.

Power of Love and Generosity
Be loving, generous and kind. If one has to take something from you he or she will do almost anything for you. If you accomplished the task of gaining everyone's attention and admiration then you may easily influence them with your thoughts and concepts. Whatever you contribute to the world becomes your power over the world.

Power of Self-Understanding
Once you are confident of yourself you are able to make decisions based on your unique knowledge and experience. You are able to turn situations in your favour by using your innate intelligence.

Power of Leading
A leader is one who looks ahead far before others and looks at the outcome of every action from all angles and speaks about possible options, threats and results. A leader is one who will take the initiative to climb the tree and give directions to the troop as they march through the jungle.

Power of Command
A true leader always makes his or her subordinate feel as if they work "with the leader" and not "for the leader". Seldom would you see a leader raise his or her voice or fist or resort to frustration or helplessness.

Why do you give Up Your Power?
Have you ever caught yourself saying the things written below?
"So-and-so will never let me."
"I have too many responsibilities."
"I have to ask my family for this."
"I have to take opinion of so and so for this."
"If he does not help me, I am doomed."
"I don't have good support in my business."
"I am not able to give my best because of this."
"I don't have good staff to help me."
"I'm not ready yet."
"People will laugh at me."
"So-and-so will get mad at me."
Whenever you allow anyone or anything control your actions, you give up your power. Do not be dependant on others and do not allow anyone including your family, parents, employees, customers and company to be dependant on you.  To be powerful you need to be completely self-sufficient and stand alone.  Do not feel powerless because today your maid servant did not report for work or your accountant took a long leave or your secretary left the job. Make a system that runs on Auto pilot and see that most of the important things are in your control or properly delegated to multiple people where one works in the absence of the other.
Being powerful is a reiterative process of self-discovery. A discovery that unfolds who or what is exactly holding you back – you may even discover that person is yourself!

Best wishes,
Neeta Singhal

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