Monday, May 13, 2013

Divine Lessons of Communication by Neeta Singhal

Most people these days have issues with communication. As we live in the fifth dimension which lies in our Throat Chakra, it becomes more and more important and that we communicate clearly and express ourselves fully in all unions may it be our friends, colleagues, vendors or customers. In communication, one brings his or her experiences, history, and expectations and this is a skill that can be cultured.
Communication either makes or breaks most relationships. You can improve your relationship today, right now, by putting into practice some of these tips for improving the communication in your relationship.

Throat Chakra Help In Communication

 The Simple Fundamentals

1.     Prepare Ground:
First prepare ground before you start a conversation. Do not just jump into it as most probably the other person would be in his own frame of mind and not pay attention to what you said. So exchange pleasantries and make the ground ready before you plant that seed.
2.     Stop and Listen:
Communication involves a lot of listening. Only when the other person develops confidence that you understand him, will he be ready to understand you. Most of the times we are so anxious to convey our point or afraid of not being heard, that we do not ultimately listen. Ironically, such behavior makes it all the more likely we won’t be heard. Be mindful in every conversation and try to understand what the other person is trying to convey to you.
3.     Force Yourself to Hear:
You’ve stopped talking for the moment, but your head is still swirling with all of the things you want to say, so you’re still not really hearing what is being said. It is good to rephrase the sentence you hear so that you handshake what is being heard.

Patience and Understanding
1.     Wait for the other person to finish:
We are so eager to convey our point that we do not let the other person end. Wait patiently and once the sentence is paused, speak up.  Keep your conversation limited to one complete sentence at a time. If you break it into two sentences, there are chances that the other person will start speaking as soon as your first sentence gets over.
2.     Stop trying extra hard to convince:
Release the fear from within that it is hard for you to express. It requires patience to listen but require faith in oneself to express and convince. Know that what you speak should come from your soul and not from your throat. You speak who you are.
3.     Understand the person before you and then speak:
You need to understand the person well before you communicate with him. It is worthwhile going into his background, experiences, upbringing to know him well in order to communicate effectively.  Avoid tricky ground and speak only what is necessary. Speak as per the level of the person.

The Emotional Measure
1.     Trust and Look into the Eyes:
You need to trust yourself and also the person with whom you are having communication with. Trust the person to understand you and trust yourself that you can make yourself understood.
2.     Avoid Jealously and Rage:
Two things that break communication are the above. Do not compare yourself with anyone. Realising that you are unique in all rights and have own path. Helplessness and frustration happens when there is need for you to use your intelligence to change situation in your favour.
3.     Honour your Words:
If you have given a promise to someone, honour it however important or less important that person is or the promise is. Do not compromise on your honour due to any reason whatsoever. It boosts your self-confidence.
4.     Remove emotions from your speech:
If you want to have effective communication, do not let anger/hurt/rage/helplessness/frustration/ego and other emotions creep in. Just speak using your mind and your throat. Ask the heart to stay away. Emotions incite unwanted feelings from the other person and tend to change the course of effective communication.
 Lastly, stay focused in the here and now of it. Do not digress from the topic and dig up past mistakes and hurts. This will steer away the conversation to dangerous territories and you will lose the point you were trying to make.  Likewise, do not drop an argument mid-way. Don't end a disagreement abruptly. Either way you will have to go back sooner or later to continue it. Calm the other person down and make yourself emotion free as well and then continue the conversation until point is conveyed completely.

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